Denison maintains a list of approved off-campus programs that address the pedagogical and curricular concerns, as well as the academic standards, associated with a Denison liberal arts education.
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Use the button above to use the Advanced Search to filter by different criteria (e.g., location, subjects the program offers or those highlighted for Denison-specific programs, language). You can also search by program provider (listed alphabetically here) or by using the Map Search.
Programs listed in Global Tools are all of the approved off-campus study programs available to students seeking an off-campus experience during the academic year (e.g., fall, spring, or the full academic year). To see a list of approved programs for summer or January-term programs, please visit our summer page.
Students who wish to study off campus must apply through Denison and gain approval before applying with their specific program provider. You can learn more about the off-campus study application process here and learn how to get started here. For additional opportunities, students can also consider Denison Seminars. To learn more about short-term study abroad opportunities, check out our Denison Seminar page.
Throughout the year there are often opportunities to meet with our representatives from the providers we work with. Students should also watch for our Off-Campus Study Fall Fair that takes place in late September or early October each year. This is a chance to meet representatives from all of our program providers and learn more about the programs available to you.